
Giving the Gift of Coins

Nov 13th 2018

As Thanksgiving approaches my thoughts turn toward holiday shopping. Gift giving is a careful balance between pleasing the receiver and finding pleasure in sharing the gift. Choosing the right item can be challenging. We all like to give presents that say something about ourselves and our values. (My teen might want the latest video game but if I cherish family time I might choose tickets to a special event.)

Coin collectors value the past and our connection to it. Owning a collectible coin allows you to actually hold history in your hands and each coin carries a fascinating story. Giving the gift of a coin is a great way to share your passion and introduce your loved ones to numismatics.

Coin gifts have many advantages. They are never a ‘throw away item’ like many other holiday gifts (how many of those big tins of popcorn have you received and never eaten?)

Many coins also have intrinsic silver and gold value as well as their collectible worth. A gift of a precious metal is always welcome and says a great deal about your feeling toward the recipient.

Coins can also send a very specific message. You’ll find coins with love themes or coins that have a history of being used as lucky charms. Coins minted in the year of a loved one’s birth are always a great choice.

The age of the recipient is important when considering what type of gift to give. Young children might enjoy a pile of pennies and an album to store them. Getting a youngster involved in the fun of the hunt from the very beginning can make the hobby very intriguing. Older kids might enjoy items that connect with popular culture. World coins feature themes related to topics ranging from Harry Potter to dinosaurs. Teens and young adults are ready to learn about the past and the wider world. They can see the value of items you save for future such as proof sets and silver eagle dollars.

Buying a coin gift for an established collector can be more difficult. It can be challenging knowing what coins they already own and which items they hope to add to their collection. Your best bet there may be a gift certificate.

Whatever coin gift you choose will be especially meaningful as you will be sharing a part of yourself and your life interest with someone else. Who knows, you might just inspire the next generation of coin collectors!

Jennie Lutton, for