SALE Quick view 1921-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $89.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1898-P Morgan Silver Dollar About Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1897-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine MSRP: Was: $145.00 Now: $115.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1879-P Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: $125.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1900-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $165.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1878-S Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: $149.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1883-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878-1921 Morgan Silver Dollar Proof-Like Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $225.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1882-O Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: $139.00 Now: $69.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1879-S Reverse of ’79 (SAF) Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Compare
SALE Quick view 1901-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine MSRP: Was: $239.00 Now: $189.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1885-P Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1879-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine MSRP: Was: $119.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1881-S Morgan Silver Dollar Certified MS-64 MSRP: Was: $249.00 Now: $225.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1884-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $155.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine MSRP: Was: Now: $159.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather/3rd Reverse Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1882-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $159.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1887-P Morgan Silver Dollar Certified MS-63 MSRP: Was: $199.00 Now: $179.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar About Uncirculated MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1921-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated Redesigned by the U.S. Mint's George T. Morgan, 43 years after he created his original Morgan silver dollar of 1878! America's longest silver dollar series was suspended in 1904, and the U.S. Mint destroyed existing hubs six years later. So the revived... MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $89.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1886-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine It was released in the year of the first U.S. silver certificates, which were redeemable for silver dollars. The $5 note pictured five of these 1886 Morgans as assurance. While this Philadelphia mintage was the highest up to that point in the Morgan... MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1898-P Morgan Silver Dollar About Uncirculated This 1898 Philadelphia specimen is from the "rare decade." Most of the key dates in the Morgan series are from the 1890s. Mintages plummeted after the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893. Even when production began to rise again numbers... MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1892-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Morgan silver dollar mintages plunged dramatically in the 1890s, because a relatively high number was already in commerce. In 1892, the Treasury stemmed the New Orleans production to just 2.7 million, only about one-third of the previous year's... MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The 1890-O Morgan silver dollar began circulating the same year that Nellie Bly became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe and Idaho and Wyoming became U.S. states. Typically, O-mintmark Morgans of the Old South offer special value, weighing... MSRP: Was: Now: $125.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1897-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine 1897 was quite a year! Thousands of Americans rushed to try their luck in Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush, Boston opened the first American underground subway and held the first marathon, pilot Amelia Earhart was born and a youngster named Virginia... MSRP: Was: $145.00 Now: $115.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The 1889-O New Orleans issue is a tough find in Uncirculated quality, with less than 50,000 estimated to remain. In fact, fewer than 1% of the original 11.8 million mintage may survive in mint-state quality. The scarcity of this O-mint issue means... MSRP: Was: Now: $129.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1879-P Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine Like so many other dates in the lengthy Morgan series, the second year 1879 issue struck by the Philadelphia Mint did not escape the melting pot unscathed. Fourteen decades later, it's surmised that less than 2% of its original mintage of more than 14... MSRP: Was: $125.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1903-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The principal Philadelphia Mint's Morgan silver dollar output in the early 20th century was vastly lower than that of the peak 1880s. In fact, the top late-1880s production was almost five times higher than the 1903 Philadelphia mintage of 4.6 million. ... MSRP: Was: Now: $135.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1900-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated This no-mintmark issue emerged from the principal Philadelphia Mint in the year when America greeted the new century with keen anticipation of all the progress it might bring. Some workers of the time still only earned one Morgan silver dollar for a... MSRP: Was: Now: $165.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1884-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Morgan silver dollar mintages steadily rose in the 1880s, when silver was still pouring out of the great Western mines. But unlike other coins of the day, many were held in reserve at banks and issuing mints. Vast quantities were later lost in government... MSRP: Was: Now: $125.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1878-S Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine When the Morgan dollar emerged in 1878, the recently opened San Francisco Mint ranked as America's finest minting facility with the latest, most sophisticated equipment. Not surprisingly, the first five 1878-1882 S-mintmark issues are universally... MSRP: Was: $149.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1879-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The New Orleans branch mint of the Old South was converted to an armaments factory by the Confederacy. It didn't re-open as a minting facility until after the Reconstruction Era, when these first O-mintmark Morgans emerged a year later than the inaugural... MSRP: Was: Now: $129.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1883-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated Struck by the historic New Orleans Mint in the heyday of the series, this vintage silver dollar still looks as though it just left the mint, although that was more than 13 decades ago! Its mintage of 8,725,000 was well below the principal Philadelphia... MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1894-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The 1894 date is the second toughest to find in the 28-date Morgan dollar series. (It's the most elusive and costly Philadelphia Mint circulation issue, commanding thousands of dollars in Very Fine quality.) The most affordable choice for the date is the... MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878-1921 Morgan Silver Dollar Proof-Like Brilliant Uncirculated These Morgan silver dollars are not only graded mint-state but they also carry the unusual "proof-like" designation. Proof-like BUs have a surface nearly as clean and crisp as a proof coin but were struck from working dies for circulation. These special... MSRP: Was: Now: $225.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1882-O Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine Although six million Morgans were struck at the Old South's branch mint in 1882, tremendous numbers were later lost in government melts. Today it's estimated that as few as 3% of that original mintage may survive in mint-state grades. This puts added... MSRP: Was: $139.00 Now: $69.50 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1879-S Reverse of ’79 (SAF) Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine This 1879-S Reverse of '79 (or third reverse) variety carries the reverse engraving that became standard for the series featuring a plump, round-breasted eagle and slanted arrow feathers. MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Compare
Quick view 1883-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The state-of-the-art San Francisco Mint turned out what are universally regarded as the most beautiful Morgan dollars with silver from bonanza mines such as Comstock and Tombstone. But by the mid-1880s, these mines were producing less silver so mintages... MSRP: Was: Now: $139.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine By 1884 huge numbers of Morgan silver dollars had been struck and with plenty already in the economy, surplus coins from all mints were stuffed, crammed and packed like sardines into government storage vaults. But contrary to that practice, it seems that... MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1886-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine In 1886, the New Orleans Mint struck nothing but Morgan silver dollars. But relatively few seem to have been kept in storage or a phenomenally high proportion was lost in later melts. Today the 1886-O is genuinely rare in mint-state quality, with even... MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Produced in the twilight of the venerable New Orleans Branch Mint, this issue heralded the new century at a time when some American workers still earned only a dollar a day. Just one could pay for a day's room and board in major cities. Today it's... MSRP: Was: Now: $125.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1901-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Less than 1,000 may survive in mint-state quality, which puts added collecting pressure on the very limited number of circulated no-mintmark Philadelphia 1901 Morgan dollars. Authoritative opinion estimates that as few as 15,000 may exist in the nicely... MSRP: Was: $239.00 Now: $189.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1921-D Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The Denver Mint opened in 1906, thus the 1921-D Morgan was the first and only Morgan to carry a D mintmark. The 1921 engraving differs slightly from earlier dies and the micro D mintmark was a short-lived experiment. Very Fine MSRP: Was: Now: $115.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated This historic Morgan of the Old South is typical of New Orleans silver dollars when weighing scarcity against price. Just 9.2 million were produced. Many Morgans with higher mintages sell for as much or more today. Some other issues from the year are... MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1896-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine This 1896-O New Orleans issue from the Rare Decade is a really tough find in mint-state quality, and regularly retails for four figures. While easily affordable in our clearly detailed Very Fine quality, it's still relatively scarce. A silver dollar... MSRP: Was: Now: $145.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1902-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine This historic issue was minted 12 decades ago, in the year Theodore Roosevelt became president following William McKinley's assassination. When the Morgan series was suspended in 1904, a large proportion of recent mintages were placed into storage vaults... MSRP: Was: Now: $129.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1904-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine In 1962, this issue was one of the three costliest rarities in the Morgan series, listing for $350 in Uncirculated quality. Only a few thousand were known to exist in any condition, but then the last U.S. Treasury releases stunned the collecting... MSRP: Was: Now: $135.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1921-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine When the Morgan series was suspended in 1904, millions of dollars had been socked away in storage vaults. But during WWI, massive numbers were melted and converted to bullion. When the war was over, the U.S. Mint was required to strike Morgans... but... MSRP: Was: Now: $115.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1885-P Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine Struck by the principal mint in the first decade of the Morgan series, a minimal number of these 1885 Philadelphia dollar survive today in collectible quality. Many were held in reserve when output and were later lost in government melts. Extra Fine... MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1897-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine The three 1897 Morgan silver dollar mintages (Philadelphia, New Orleans and San Francisco) amounted to the lowest combined outputs for the series in the late-1890s, when production was far less than during the 1880s. The S-mintmark San Francisco issue is... MSRP: Was: Now: $139.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1892-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Morgan silver dollar mintages plunged dramatically in the 1890's, because a relatively high number was already in commerce. In 1892, just 1.0 million Morgans were issued by the principal Philadelphia Mint, whose outputs had averaged over 20 million per... MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Minted over 130 years ago, this big silver dollar circulated when Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first published. At the time, just one Morgan could pay for a boat trip from New York to Boston. Struck by the principal mint in... MSRP: Was: Now: $119.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine When the Morgan dollar debuted in 1878, a kerfuffle ensued regarding the number of tail feathers an eagle possessed. This desirable seven-tail feather, flat-breast variety was struck to replace the original eight-tail feather design when it was... MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Just 1.5 million were struck, compared to 17.8 million at Philadelphia. This Wild West artifact had the lowest mintage of San Francisco Mint Morgans in the first eight years of the series. As few as 90,000 are estimated to survive today in the Very Fine... MSRP: Was: Now: $159.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1879-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Many were lost in government melts - hugely disproportionate to other mint's issues of the day. Today as little as 5% of its original production is estimated to survive in our nicely detailed Very Fine quality or higher grades. It costs no more than... MSRP: Was: $119.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1888-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine In 1962, the 1888-O Morgan silver dollar was a relative scarcity in the series. Now, after the final Treasury releases of the 1960s, this issue is one of the most affordable Morgans. Experts contend that today, after attrition and government melts, as... MSRP: Was: Now: $139.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1898-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine S-mintmark Morgan dollar production went up in the later 1890s, but this date is still relatively scarce compared to early San Francisco issues. A silver dollar encyclopedia estimates that as few as 232,000 of the 1898-S Morgan may survive today in our... MSRP: Was: Now: $179.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878-CC Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Merely 2% of Morgan silver dollars were struck at the isolated Carson City Mint in Nevada, situated near the Comstock Lode. Of the first-date 1878 Morgan dollar issues, the CC is the most elusive today in our nicely detailed Very Fine quality or higher... MSRP: Was: Now: $545.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1881-S Morgan Silver Dollar Certified MS-64 Numismatists generally select this early San Francisco Mint legend as the best-struck circulation issue in the 1878-1921 Morgan dollar series. The then-new facility was Americas finest mint of the day and specialized in striking Morgan dollars with its... MSRP: Was: $249.00 Now: $225.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1884-O Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated Morgan silver dollar mintages steadily rose in the 1880s, when silver was still pouring out of the great Western mines. But unlike other coins of the day, many Morgans were held in reserve at banks and issuing mints. And vast quantities of these Morgans... MSRP: Was: Now: $155.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1887-O Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Due to the U.S. government melts during the two world wars and general attrition, less than 1% of this issue's original mintage is estimated to remain today in mint-state quality, which puts added collecting pressure on circulated grades like this Very... MSRP: Was: Now: $129.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine This first-year 1878 seven tail feather Philadelphia Mint issue replaced the original eight tail feather eagle reverse. The change resulted from an ornithologist's complaint to the Mint that eagles invariably have odd-numbered tails. All later Morgan... MSRP: Was: Now: $159.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1878 7-Tail Feather/3rd Reverse Morgan Silver Dollar Extra Fine The 1878 tail feather scarcities are the first and most famous Morgan varieties. We usually only offer the first three types, but have found a small selection of the sought-after fourth and last type. The first Morgans of 1878 to roll off the... MSRP: Was: Now: $169.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1882-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Morgan silver dollar mintages steadily rose in the 1880s, when silver was still pouring out of the great Western mines. But unlike other coins of the day, many Morgans were held in reserve at banks and issuing mints. And vast quantities of these Morgans... MSRP: Was: $129.00 Now: $99.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1885-P Morgan Silver Dollar Brilliant Uncirculated Morgan silver dollar mintages steadily rose in the 1880s, when silver was still pouring out of the great Western mines. But unlike other coins of the day, many Morgan dollars were held in reserve at banks and issuing mints. Vast quantities of these... MSRP: Was: Now: $159.00 Add to Cart Compare
SALE Quick view 1887-P Morgan Silver Dollar Certified MS-63 Over 20 million 1887 Philadelphia Morgan silver dollars were struck as mintages were peaking in this popular series. However, a vast number of these were held in storage at the Treasury, and later melted down during the two world wars. Compared to other... MSRP: Was: $199.00 Now: $179.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1889-P Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine Morgan mintages reached a peak in 1889, but the Philadelphia Mint created a huge silver dollar vault in that year and most of its mintage was never released to banks. The vast majority of these silver dollars was later lost in U.S. government melts. Just... MSRP: Was: Now: $125.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1879-S Morgan Silver Dollar Very Fine In 1879, the San Francisco Mint struck only Morgan silver dollars, with an even smaller mintage than 1878. So the artisans there could concentrate even more on producing America's finest Morgan dollars, whose S mintmark was a hallmark of superior quality... MSRP: Was: Now: $135.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view 1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar About Uncirculated Often in the Morgan series, BUs cost just a few dollars more than AUs. But these AU issues are a real exception. About Uncirculated silver dollars boast original mint luster, but have just a trace of wear at the highest points of a coin's design. An... MSRP: Was: Now: $149.00 Add to Cart Compare